Why CBS Has Got Autism Wrong
Why does this CBS report have autism pegged all wrong? What does it show in the way society lacks understanding about disability?
I feel like going back a bit in history. In 1987, Reagan on George Bush's recommendation named Evan Kemp Jr. a commissioner to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The US federal C. Boyden Gray, says Joseph Shapiro in his book No Pity: People With Disabilities Forging a New Civil Rights Movement, had opened Bush's eyes -- noting that disabled people were seeking self-empowerment. Gray was not disabled but "he had an instinctive understanding of the fight for self-worth..." Gray was a southerner who attended Harvard, and "he found that his northern classmates automatically assumed he and all Southerners were bigots, rednecks and stupid....'The stereotype was that you spoke with a Southern accent, so you've got to be dumb.' Gray empathized with the desires of disabled people to overcome low expectations and their distaste for being stereotyped...
During the negotiations over Section 504, David Stockman's Office of Management and Budget drafted a new White House position that applied a cost-benefit analysis to proposed disability benefits. To the bean counters at OMB, it seemed sensible. The less a disabled person -- and presumably the more likely that person was to work and live independently -- the more help and rights he or she got. The more disabled someone was, the less he or she was guaranteed. When Kemp [himself a paraplegic] confronted Gray with a leaked copy of the OMB memo, Gray agonized. Kemp, after all, was severely disabled. And Gray knew he could not justify a position that would put a price tag or a cost effectiveness formula on his friend's worth. The proposal was killed." (pp.123-4).
It was perhaps this that lead Gray to understand the meaning of a civil rights bill for people with disabilities. "He [referring to Kemp] reached out to explain the experience of disability, not to scream at me."
"Kemp took the Bush campaign. Three months later, Bush pledged 'I'm going to do whatever it takes to make sure the disabled are included in the mainstream.' Those simple seventeen words, spoken during Bush's image-turning acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention, marked the first time that an American Presidential nominee had acknowledged disabled people as a political force... for several years Bush pollster Robert Teeter presciently had advised his political clients that disabled people and their families were growing into an untapped community...
Later, at the polling firm of Louis Harris and Associates, Louis Genevie, was proving [this] instinct correct. [He] was tracking the voting preferences of disabled voters." They swung markedly to Bush. "Genevie wrote to Bush that disabled voters who had switched to bush had constituted up to one-half of the four million difference of popular votes between Bush and Dukakis. This made up one to three percentage points of bush's seven-point margin of victory....his polling did not even count family members who could be equally strong activists."
"A candidate ignores the issues of disabled people at his own peril," Genevie would later say.
Now let me see, it is said that there are between 40-50 million disabled people in the US today. That is not counting people who become disabled as a result of disease -- many with Parkinsons and Cancer reporting the added stigma in society and the workplace as a result of their diagnosis. If we included that number, Shapiro estimates back in 1991, that that would have accounted for 120 million disabled Americans.
What has happened? Few people are aware of these events, despite their significance for millions of disabled people. Non disabled citizens ignore them. Disabled people, while they have protested on Capitol Hill, cannot do so in large numbers, despite the large numbers of disabled people out there, so it doesn't make headline news. Together, blind, deaf, epileptic, autistic and other disabled people have come together for one cause -- access as a civil right, and to foster a greater understanding and acceptance of disability as an norm of humanity.
So what is wrong with the CBS report? Many things. It perpetuates crisis and fear -- the oncoming "burden" of the many children currently diagnosed with autism.
While it suggests that many adult autistic people CAN contribute to society, it still fosters the fear of autistic people -- their financial burden on the rest of us without viewing their contributions. It sits like a bounty over the heads of autistic individuals.
"To what extent do we have a duty to accommodate?" I often get asked. To me that's like saying to what extent must we allow African Americans into our society? Without speaking to the people where the issues reside, we can never grasp the meaning of exclusion, and will only fear what we have to give up. Of course that fear is often unfounded and based on a false perception.
What is especially traumatic is that despite the headway made in our history by millions of people, Allison Tepper Singer still gets the soapbox -- and makes others worry along with her -- thereby continuing to create fear and despair. The same issues are present in my family, and in many families that come our way. Adam's siblings may have to watch out for him one day. Instead of it being a burden, we try to foster it as just a way of life -- a way of life that in our history would have been obligatory and not seen as a burden in this era of egocentric individualism.
Isn't it is also disturbing that the young man folding towels was not being paid anything at all, for all work should be compensated -- even for work in training. What is most fearful is the creation and continuation of a caste system based on disability -- or the presumption that ALL our autistic kids will be able to do is fold towels and stock shelves. Of course, we know that that isn't always the case, and while there is nothing wrong with sweeping the floors, let us not limit the opportunities and possibilities for many autistic children who will soon become adults.
And speaking of work, how can disabled people get to work if they are not equipped to at least begin to pay for public transit? How can they get to their first job interviews without financial support to launch them? And what happened to a truly inclusive society with the special transit that must be booked well in advance and does not always allow non disabled people to travel with them on special transit?
Our attitudes are the burden for autistic people that keeps them at bay.
The only way to really understand what autistic people are confronted with everyday is to talk to them -- those who have to spell out a sentence letter by letter, slowly. Or those who rarely talk or get to talk at all as well as to those who also have never talked as young children but can talk today. CBS didn't talk to autistic people. They only spoke to an Autism Speak's spokesperson who likes to spread fear instead of qualifying concerns and reframing lives in order to empower caregivers. The mother knew her son could contribute -- I, for one, would have liked to have heard a bit more from her. Yet, it's not just the service system that needs improving, it's our attitudes. As in the history of disability rights, autistic people must help run the systems that seek to assist the autistic children who will one day become the adults.
George Bush said, "'Let the shameful wall of exclusion finally come tumbling down.' He put his pen to the bill. Then Bush turned to Evan Kemp, who was sitting next to him on the podium overlooking the Washington Monument, and gave him an affectionate kiss on the head.
Bush's administration would promptly issue regulations for the ADA. There would be no four-year fight like that over Section 504. The law took effect in 1992. Many companies, particularly large ones, complied eagerly and reaped the rewards -- new customers, new workers, and good publicity. Passage of the ADA was an earthshaking event for disabled people. It signaled radical transformation in the way they saw themselves -- as a minority that now had rights to challenge its exclusion. But it was an odd victory; as radical as the ADA's passage would be for disabled people, non disabled Americans still had little understanding that this group now demanded rights, not pity." (Shapiro, pp. 140-141).
If there is any crisis that CBS reports, it should note the crisis of misunderstanding, intolerance and continued stereotyping. As Susan Goodman, President of CSAAC noted, "Because people with autism are the most difficult to serve, they are the first to be written off." (Shapiro, p. 144).She suggests that because of this, the autistic are the most segregated of all.
Presidential nominees might also take into account the numbers of disabled and autistic adults living in our society today -- valid, valuable and lo and behold -- voters.